Thursday 9 May 2013

Pink Birthday

 I love making pink birthday cakes. It seems to be a huge fad for little girls, so I find myself more often than not making them. In this case, less is more. I did a simple cake mask on the outside and garnished the cake with some pretty rosettes and a few little non-pariels.
 I am very lucky that I have 4 adorable little nieces and every year I ask them what kind of birthday cake they want me to make them. This year Sophie asked for a pink Dora cake. So of course I gave her what she wanted.
I made Dora completely out of gum paste and I free handed the whole thing. I colored her eyes with edible marker (I highly recommend using edible marker). I used an exacto knife to make crisp cuts for her shape and glued all the pieces together with water and a paint brush and  I used white dragee's for her bracelet.
No matter how busy life gets, I will always make time for cake if it brings this reaction! It makes everything totally worth it.

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